settembre 2008


Nuovo glossario dei termini giuridici americani : citazioni
di Claudio Giusti*

"It is better and more satisfactory to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to put a single innocent man to death."
Moses Maimonides 1200

"I diritti umani sono qualcosa che avete dalla nascita. I diritti umani vi sono dati da Dio."
Malcom X

"Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white -- separate and unequal."
The National Advisory Commission of Civil Disorders (Kerner Commission) 1967

"Un diritto umano è qualcosa che tutti gli uomini devono avere ovunque ed in ogni momento, qualcosa di cui nessuno possa essere privato senza che ciò sia un grave affronto alla giustizia, qualcosa che è di proprietà di ogni essere umano semplicemente perché egli è umano."
Prof Maurice Cranston

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
Barry Goldwater

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
Declaration of Independence as originally written by Thomas Jefferson, 1776.

"The common-law system is inherently messy"
Il sistema della common law è incasinato per sua stessa natura.
Lawrence M. Friedman "American Law, An Introduction" New York, WW Norton, 1998 p 112

"There was no statute on the books in Mississipi that made a crime to rape a black, hense [the slave] George had committd no crime. This was apparently too cold-blooded even for Mississipi legislature; a statute enacted the next year made it a crime for a black to rape, or attempt to rape, any -negro or mulatto female child- under the age of twelve. One notes that rape of a black woman over twelve was still not a crime"
Lawrence Friedman "Crime and Punishment in American History"

"The least controversial observation one can make about American criminal justice today is that it is remarkably ineffective, absurdly expensive, grossly inhumane, and riddled with discrimination."
" L'osservazione meno controversa che si possa oggi fare sul sistema penale americano è che questo è incredibilmente inefficiente, estremamente costoso, grossolanamente inumano e infestato dalla discriminazione"
David J. Rothman, The New York Review of Books 17 Feb 1994

"Capital punishment means that those without the capital get the punishment"
"Pena capitale significa che chi non ha il capitale si becca la pena"

"The rule of law has three parts: it must be binding on all government officials, it must respect the dignity, equality and human rights of every person, and it must guarantee people the right to enforce the law without fear of retaliation."
Justice Kennedy 2006

"wantonly and freakishly imposed"
Justice Potter Stuart in Furman

"Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example."
"Il Governo è un insegnate potente e onnipresente. Nel bene e nel male egli dà l'esempio a tutto il popolo"
Justice Brandeis dissenting Olmstead v. United States, 277 U. S. 438 (1928).

"No rich folks here. I'm not mad at that. But again, if I had the money, I wouldn't be here."
Ronald Chambers, condannato a morte, da 32 anni nel braccio del Texas

"People aren't being executed; they're being murdered by their lawyers"
Don Vernay "Justice delayed is justice denied" Gladstone

"State killing is part of a strategy of governance that makes us fearful and dependent on the illusion of state protection, that divides rather than unites, that promises simple solutions to complex problems."
Austin Sarat

"Evidence of innocence is irrelevant."
Mary Sue Terry Former Attorney General, Commonwealth of Virginia

"The world court [ICJ] has no standing in Texas and Texas is not bound by a ruling or edict from a foreign court. It is easy to get caught up in discussions of international law and justice and treaties. It's very important to remember that these individuals are on death row for killing our citizens."
Texas Gov Perry

"We teach people to kill and the State is the one that teaches them."
Clarence Darrow

"I'm against the damn death penalty"
Mario Cuomo

"You have a firm trial date - nonnegotiable, nonadjournable, non-nothing."

"A person may be condemned to die in Texas in a process that has the integrity of a professional wrestling match"
Stephen Bright

"Those who really think that death penalty can stop terrorist attacks or make them decrease, are naïve people or dreamers. Usual punishments, death penalty included, don't provoke any fear within terrorists or political criminals, who are ideologically motivated and devoted to sacrifice for love of their cause [...]. Besides, terrorist activities are dangerous and the terrorist faces letal risks every day, so he isn't frightened by immediate death. How could he be discouraged by the risk of being sentenced to death?"
Professor Ezzat A. Fattah, Simon Fraser University Canada

"The morning of the execution both of them sang: 'Long live the rebels...', they sang without fear while they went to the gallows pole. (...)"If they aren't afraid of death, why can capital punishment be a deterrent?". To be honest, I think that, with the many death sentences I executed, I didn't stop any murderer."
"Il mattino dell'esecuzione cantavano: "Viva i ribelli!". Cantavano lungo la via che li portava al patibolo. (...) Non ho mai pensato che fosse un deterrente. Non hanno paura di morire, come può essere un deterrente. (...) Onestamente penso che con centinaia di esecuzioni che ho fatto, non ho mai fermato nemmeno un assassino."
Albert Pierrepoint, ultimo boia britannico, dopo l'esecuzione di due membri dell'IRA.

"If, in facing terror, we give up on freedom and humanity, the terrorists have won."
Lord Russell Johnston

"If statistics are any indication, the system may well be allowing some innocent defendants to be executed…Serious questions are being raised about whether the death penalty is being fairly administered in this country. Perhaps it's time to look at minimum standards for appointed counsel in death cases and adequate compensation for appointed counsel when they are used."
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor 7/2/2001, speech to the Minnesota Women Lawyers group

"Un processo capitale con giuria è come un'istantanea: puoi essere fotogenico, cioè innocente, quanto ti pare, ma puoi sempre venire sfocato".

"Innocent men have been hanged in the past and will be hanged in the future unless the death penalty is abolished worldwide or the frailty of human judgement is abolished and judges become supermen."
Arthur Koestler

"If sentencing to death and possibly executing an innocent person isn't cruel and unusual punishment, nothing is. Quite literally, I'm living proof of that."
Ray Krone, 100° innocente sfuggito alla forca

"E' stato chiarito: sono innocente"
The Practice

"The death penalty is not compatible with European values"
Steffan de Rynck, the European Commission spokesman.

"International law? I better call my lawyer" President George W Bush 11/12/2003

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*Le traduzioni sono di Claudio Giusti
Claudio Giusti, esperto di diritti umani e pena di morte, e' membro del Comitato scientifico dell'Osservatorio

Speciale giustizia USA
























