NOTIZIARIO del 13 ottobre 2004


Rocco Buttiglione : trascrizione parti intervento parlamento UE
a cura di Giulia Alliani

Riportiamo di seguito la trascrizione delle affermazioni di Rocco Buttiglione, pronunciate in inglese, a proposito di omosessualita' e matrimonio. (Per il resoconto dell'intervento in Italiano clicca qui, per la notizia della doppia bocciatura in Comitato liberta' civili clicca qui):

...and I may think that homosexuality is a sin and this has no effect on politics, unless I say that homosexuality is a crime. In the same way you are free to think that I am a sinner on most things of life and this does not have any effect on our religion [?] as citizens.

Nobody can be discriminated on the basis of sexual orientation, or gender orientation. This stands in the Chart of Human Rights, this stands in the Constitution, and I have pledged to defend the Constitution.

... My personal opinion on marriage is well known. I think that a marriage is, well ehm...the word marriage comes from the Latin "matrimonium: it means "protection of the mother", and so the family exists in order to allow women to have children and to have the protection of a male who takes care of them [forte brusio in sala, ndr], and this is the traditional vision of marriage that I...that I...that I defend.

Ehm...I am against discrimination, i think that all human beings should enjoy the same rights whatever they are, homosexuals, or heterosexuals, or whatever else, if a whatever else can be told off [?], and I am engaged in defending the rights of all European citizens, included the right to non-discrimination.

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